Fullerton Preventive Dentistry for Kids

Little Teeth. Big Smiles.

Preventive Care in Fullerton

Regular preventive care from a pediatric dentist in Fullerton is critical to keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy. Daily brushing and flossing are important for optimal dental health, but routine cleanings and exams ensure that any plaque and bacteria are removed and that any small issues are caught early. We take an upbeat, informative approach to every pediatric appointment, so your child will always leave happier and healthier than when they arrived.

bpd waiting room and operatory

Keep Teeth Strong

Fluoride Treatments

If your child’s teeth are weak from early stages of decay, fluoride treatments are the best way to strengthen enamel and prevent cavities. Oral bacteria and sugary foods can cause teeth to demineralize, which leads to “soft spots” in your child’s teeth. With a fast, painless fluoride treatment, Dr. Butler can help remineralize teeth and keep cavities away. This treatment can be performed during any preventive appointment and will make your child’s teeth less susceptible to demineralization and cavities.

An Alternative to Fillings

Silver Diamine Fluoride

If your child has a cavity, Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) may be an alternative to a filling, in some cases. This treatment can halt the progression of cavities and it is often recommended to treat cavities in young children until they are old enough to have a filling, or for patients with special needs who may have difficulties undergoing a more invasive treatment. SDF can also be used as a desensitizer if your child's permanent teeth have recently erupted and they are highly susceptible to decay.

Stay in the Cavity-Free Club!

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a common treatment that prevents cavities. Sealants are made of a special type of dental resin, which is applied to your child’s rear teeth after a cleaning. This resin hardens and forms a clear, transparent barrier that keeps teeth from direct contact with oral bacteria, acid, and food particles. When properly applied, dental sealants can last up to 10 years.

The Heart of Preventive Care

Hygiene & Cleaning Appointments

Regular oral hygiene and cleaning appointments are critical for your child’s dental health. Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar, and these hygiene appointments also give our team a chance to catch and address any issues. If you bring your child in every six months, Dr. Butler will be able to track their oral development and keep an eye out for any potential problems, such as an improper bite.

Treat Tongue And Lip Ties


Tongue and lip ties can cause issues with breastfeeding, speech development, and eating solid foods. If you notice signs and symptoms including a painful or shallow latch during feedings, or excessive gas or burps, call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Butler. Frenectomies are a quick procedure to treat tongue and lip ties, and this treatment will make you and your child happier and healthier.

Is Your Little One Due for a Checkup?

Don’t Brush it Off!

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